Saturday, September 10, 2011

Fall Baking

So today was a slow morning and it was still foggy around 10. Since the past week was painfully hot, I decided to take the opportunity to bake some cookies. I LOVE chocolate chip oatmeal cookies. There is simply nothing better. I can make them from scratch by heart and do quite often! I love baking in the fall. Yesterday we picked up some new baking pans at Costco and so I had to try them out today :) My cookies slid off the pan!! Crazy where good tools can get you.

Is there anything prettier than cookie dough??

I usually pretty much consume my weight in cookie dough before I ever make any cookies.

Owen approved.

Last week I made this recipe and it turned out really well! It was a little more involved than I had anticipated because I decided to make my own caramel sauce, but it was worth it!

I also made brownies (from a box, nothing fancy) and chocolate covered strawberries last week. 

I'm also quite a sucker for brownie batter!

I tell you, I'm on a roll! Next I need to make chocolate chip bran muffins; sorry, the recipe for which I have been sworn to secrecy, and pumpkin pie!! 

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