Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Obedience: Matt chapters 1 and 2

Today I started reading Matthew in my personal devotions and was struck in chapters 1 and 2 by Joseph's unflinching and immediate obedience to God. His instructions didn't seem very glamorous: don't be afraid to marry your fiance, take your family and move here, take your family and move there...but his obedience protected Jesus and changed the course of the world. I'm sure Joseph couldn't have messed up God's plan for salvation, but through his obedience, he became an integral part of the completion of the greatest story on earth. How amazing! We all have the opportunity to step into God's story of salvation; by sharing it with others. Sometimes being a mom and a pastor's wife doesn't seem all that glamorous, but I'm praying that I will always obedient to God's call on my life, and that by doing so, I will lead others to Him.